Thurrock Local History Society

logo     Welcome to the Thurrock Local History Society, Founded 1952

The aims of the Society are to encourage interest in and to collect and disseminate information on the history and antiquities of the Thurrock area and to take any action as is appropriate to secure the protection of any buildings, monuments and landscapes which in the opinion of the Society are of historical or architectural interest.

The Society usually meets on the 3rd Friday of the month. Our current programme is here.
Meetings are held at Thurrock Adult Community College, Richmond Road, Grays Thurrock, Essex, RM17 6DN.

All meetings begin at 8.00 pm unless indicated otherwise. The AGM will begin at 7.30 pm.
Most talks are illustrated.

Visitors are very welcome at all meetings which are normally on the 3rd Friday of the month.
Membership Subscriptions: Adults £10.00 Students £4.00 Under age 16 Free
Visitors (per meeting) £2.00